
Showing posts from October, 2022

Ways to make your home more Energy Efficient this Winter Season.

As the season changes and winter arrives, so do the concerns about rising energy bills and falling energy efficiency. On top of that, there’s the cost of living crisis, which has got the low income families in a tight spot. On one hand, upgraded heating systems would lower one’s energy bills in the long run, while on the other, the onetime cost of getting these upgrades is not economical for everyone. My Gov UK is there to answer the prayers of those who cannot afford the up gradation of their old heating systems. Government Grants under the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) offer financial support to certain households that qualify for the same. For more details on this, you could visit the UK Gov Website . Households can also contribute towards the net zero initiative of the UK Government. While you could get draught excluders or insulation done to your homes in order to delay turning on the heating, there are other ways to ensure energy efficiency even when the heating becomes absolute...